Part Time Courses

    1. Flexible Digital Photography Course by Online, Evening or morning and three Workshops
    2. Evening Photography course
    3. Online Photography Course
    4. Morning: Part-time classes: – Photo-and TV. make-up
    5. Workshops in Studio lighting, Art photography, Darkroom techniques, Landscape and Wedding photography
    6. Travel workshops to Ski/scuba/documentary/underwater/photography to Thailand, Mozambique, Greece or Turkey
    7. One-on-One Photography Course in six days.
    8. Holiday courses in video & photography for scholars
    9. Winelands Photowalk
    10. Point-and-Shoot camera Course
  1. TV. Presenting Workshop

1. The Flexible Online Digital Photography Course, evening      or morning classes and three workshops.

You can choose between Evening, Morning classes or Online training to complete 15 modules during a calender year to receive your certificate.

First semester modules:

Section A; History, The workings of a camera (aperture, Shutter Speed, Depth of Field) Photoshop basics. (4 modules) Section B;  Film, Lighting, Flash, Filters and Lenses & equipment. (5 modules) Section C; Digital know-how, Composition, Color theory and Marketing (4 modules)

One crit session end of May to discuss your work.

The above modules can be done on specific mornings between  February and June (maximum 5 mornings can be attended) during the first semester only OR specific evenings between  February and June or August – October OR one of the sections, on your own pace during the year by distance learning.

Second semester modules:

No morning classes of modules from the first semester can be done in the second semester -if you haven’t completed them before June, you can only continue with the rest by attending some of the evening classes, August –  October or your ONE online section)

Workshops: Studio lighting, Styling and make-up, Weddings, Macro, documentary and Landscapes

You have to attend three of the workshops for your certificate.

One crit session end of October to discuss your work.

With each module you will have to complete a practical project and all the modules will count to 50% for your course mark. You can write your theory exam on 5 June or 5 November which will also count 50% towards your certificate.

Note, materials will be for your account. The workshops entails transport, food etc. Please ask your lecturer to quote you before attending.

Course material are one DVD and one textbook (on CD)

You must attend three workshops in second semester, not more than 5 morning classes (don’t have to, can do all in evening) and can only choose ONE Section for the distance course.

Course material that we supply: textbook (Afrikaans or English on Dvd)
Studio use, lighting and Models

Course fee: R 24 000.00

2. Digital Photography Evening classes

The evening classes commences the third week of February or August.

Four Monday evenings 17.00 to 19.30 in Stellenbosch spread 1 month apart.

You will receive your three DVD. pack with videos of classes and notes every meeting and attend a lecture on that section.

You will work on your own pace for a month at home completing projects and taking specific photos.

You will return for the next lecture and as a group we will show and crit every student attending’s photos.

Section A; The workings of a camera (aperture, Shutter Speed, Depth of Field) History (Meet each other, lecture on Working of your camera and discussion of homework)  Section B; Lighting, Flash, Filters and Lenses & equipment. (Lecture on Lighting, Outdoor shoot, and critique of previous homework)Section C; Digital know-how, Composition, Color theory and Marketing. (Lecture on composition and visual composition, studio shoot and critique of homework)

Last Monday

Last critique of all homework, open book test, certificates and a party with wine tasting and food.

This is a very popular and exciting course where you will make great friends too. We will all communicate in a Facebook group during this course if you have questions. You will know how to use your camera to its full potential. You will learn the most important secrets of lighting, working with models, styling and to use your camera at its best. All the classes are fun and practical with practical shoot, wine and food. You will do group photo shoots with models and products in our equipped studios and also in the outdoors.

Course fee: R 3 500.00

3.  Online Photography Course

Digital photography course by Online/Distance learning
By doing this course in the comfort of your own home, you will learn the important basic rules and tips to take brilliant and professional photos. Also to build up a portfolio and learn how to use digital photography.
Course material are three Dvd’s, and a textbook in pdf. format ( to email to you or on the Dvd) and projects that has to be completed and send back to us for evaluation. Students can enroll for 12 months and start any time of the year. There will always be a lecturer available for advice by phone or e-mail.
You will learn step – by – step
We will learn and demonstrate to you techniques that took pros to the top.
At the same time you will receive the first two projects that has to be handed in/ send back to us after completing the first section for evaluation.
Afterwards we will send you the second section with a summary of what we thought of the first projects. We also allow students that live near Stellenbosch to visit us for this evaluation. There will also be lecturers available throughout the course by e-mail or telephone if you need any help or have questions. You will be able to go through the course on a disciplined and easy pace. You have 12 months to complete the course.
Our previous student took about 11 months on average to complete the course. A theory exam are written at the end of the three sections at any educational institution near you home to receive your SIPS. certificate.

Syllabus- Distance training Photography Course
Section A
Intro to photography – Workings of the DSLR. Camera – Shutter speed, f-stop and depth of field [Assignment 1]
Section B
Films/Digital – Lighting – Available light – Flash – Filters – Lenses en Equipment [Assignment 2]
Section C
Color theory – Digital photography – Marketing and promotion – Composition – Portfolio [Assignment 3]

Course material:
Three DVD’s
Textbook in PDF format on DVD or to e-mail.
Three projects and evaluations
Lots of inspiration
Exams and certificate

The end of the course do not mean we are done with you, you can still contact us with any questions or advise on photography and photographic gear. We will also invite you to workshops and overseas tours that we organize to Thailand, Greece and Turkey for new techniques. Also underwater and landscape photography. Also after completion of the distance training course you can join the full-time course in the second semester.
Course fee: R 8 000.00. Including all the above materials.
Your notes and video lectures.

4. Morning classes: Part-Time

Part time students can join any of the daytime courses of the fulltime students. See “subjects” or “fulltime.”

Photographic & TV. Make-up (Wednesdays – 8:00-11:00 Feb. to May)

One morning per week – February to May and Advanced in the Second semester.

Make -up plays an important role in our lives and especially in the photographic and moviemaking business. To compliment your photography, moviemaking and fashion design career you have to know how to apply make-up.

Our Syllabus:

Introduction (Theory) The skin · Skin types (Dry, Oily,· Combination) Basic Skincare, Cleanse, tone, Moisture · Products:· Foundations: Liquid, Cream, Powder, Blushes, Glosses Professional Products: Make-up kit, Intro to Industry, Notes, Basics of Make-up, Photographic Make-up / Stills
Beauty Make-up, Editorial Make-up, Catalogue Make-up, Bridal Make-up, TV, Film, body painting, Stage make-up, Wedding make-up, Special effects, prosthetics (Theatre, Face painting, Latex ageing, wounds, blocking out eyebrows) Period Make-up, History of Make-up (1500 – 1900) 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80. Photo + video Make-up for blacks, Working on film, Working on stills, ramp make-up. Drag queens + character, Theatre + body painting.

Course fee: R 8 000.00 and make-up kit about R 10 000.00

5. Workshops in Studio lighting, Art, Darkroom techniques, Landscape- and Wedding photography.

1. We do the Wedding workshop over two days in September, every year.

The workshop is practical and we also do the theory from 9h00 to 13h00, which include, contracts, wedding questionnaire, samples of wedding pictures and when to shoot, marketing of yourself as a wedding photographer and storybooks. The second day you will have the opportunity to take wedding pictures in a church, nature and the beach, of a model wedding couple. Charl Best will give personal instructions how to style, pose and light the wedding pictures with his experience of 4070 weddings behind him.

Course fee – R 4 000.

2. We do the Landscape workshop two days in September, every year.

We depart at 8h00 and will return at 17h00 the next day. We travel from Stellenbosch via Caledon, photograph the canola fields etc. and sleep-over in the Klein Karoo. Next day we return via Hermanus and Kleinmond. We supply, accommodation, reflectors, props, meals and transport. At our stay-over we will demonstrate how to do “the paint-with-light” techniques at night.

Course fee: R 5 000.00

3. Studio lighting workshop

One day workshops to help you to understand artificial studio flash lighting and to set–up your own studio. Most people buy studio equipment to photograph people. There are many approaches to lighting people, a fashion and beauty portrait needs to look different than that of a character study or the portrait of a child. The course is designed to teach the student the different lighting set-ups in a studio, for portraits, fashion and products.

Working with people in a Studio, Planning your shoot, Posing your model, Basics of studio make-up, Discussing different lighting set-ups used by various Photographers, Studio Lighting Equipment, backdrops and reflectors, High key vs Low key lighting and a simple set-up of each, Light Terminology and the principles of light, Quality of Light, The Color of Light, Direction of Light, Light Control, Light Modifiers, Capture on lightroom and edit, Studio Lighting Techniques for Portraits, Studio Lighting Techniques for Fashion, Studio Lighting Techniques for Products, Mixing studio flash light with outdoor light using Nikon creative lighting units.

Course fee: R 5000.00

4. Darkroom Workshop

You will learn how to develop film’s and to make handmade prints in our darkrooms. Nothing beats the feeling and quality of a handmade black-and-white print. Where you can get the seven tones in black-and-white and where your print will be guaranteed for 70 years. Two hours theory and halve day hands-on practical in the darkroom. Thereafter you can use our darkrooms for three halve days.

Course fee: R 8000.00 only 3 students per course.

5. “Fine art” Photography workshop. One day in June or November.

A two day workshop that will give you the skills and technical know-how to give artistic expression to your photographs. You will be inspired to give new dimensions and attitudes to your pictures. Your pictures will never be the same again! You will be inspired through the workshops to let go and to experiment. You will specialize in the following: The influence of art and digital manipulations, projections, resources and inspiration, perception and depth, double exposures and combinations. Practical will be a nude photo session, abstract objects, landscape and documentary photo’s.

Course fee: R 4 000.00 includes models, studio lighting and use of computers

6. Fashion Photography and Styling – December

This workshop over one day will teach you all that you need to know about the fashion industry, How to shoot fashion and to style a fashion shoot. How to find a market for your work and how to work with models, fashion editors. Also make-up and hair techniques. .

We will do practical on studio lighting and how to shoot for catalogue, advertising and portfolio’s.

Course fee: R 4 000.00

6. Photography Landscape, Documentary and Underwater tours by Charl Best

July – Thailand  & November – Inhambane – Mozambique)

Join Charl Best and his team on our exotic photography trips to different locations.

We do Travel photography trips the past 9 years and most tours are 12 days and includes everything, from luxury accommodation, breakfast and dinner, scuba fees, travel and taxis. We will scuba and do Underwater-, Documentary, and Travel photography. We end each trip with shopping for new gear in a mayor city before we return.

And for those that don’t do much action and who don’t want to scuba, can snorkel or spend their time with all our alternative techniques for lighting, macro, and painting with light. In the evenings we eat together and enjoy the nightlife. We supply specialized lenses, filters and accessories for you to use.

We guarantee that you will return with amazing pictures, enriched with great techniques that you applied.

Prices from R 26 000.00

7. One-on-One Spectacular Photography Course in 6 days.

You can do the One on One any week of the year with SA. top photographer Charl E. Best. You will follow the same syllabus as the full-time course, but only within one week. Maximum 6 per course.
This highly intense and condensed course will take you through all the theory:
The workings of a camera (aperture, Shutter Speed, Depth of field, Lighting, Flash, Filters, Lenses & equipment, Digital know-how, Composition and Color theory.
We will meet each day of the week in the morning for two hours for a theory lecture with Charl and work through his unique book of Digital Photography.
The rest of your day you will join him for a unique practical hands on photo session across the western cape. The last day we will recap all the theory and crit all your photographs.
Guaranteed that you will leave exhausted, filled with creative excitement and the urge to keep on shooting and the want to improve your already spectacular portfolio.
You will receive an extensive 130 photo homework assignment to be completed on your own within six weeks. We will meet again six weeks later to crit your assignments, write the theory exam and do one final highly styled studio photo shoot which include you also as a model. And off course the final marks, certificate and a little surprise party.
After completion, and you will still want more, then you can join us for our one-day workshops, eg. Studio lighting, Fashion-, Wedding, Landscape-, Stock or Commercial photography.
Cost, which includes notes, lectures, transport, food, stylist, studio use, models and certificate for one is R19 500, For two R 17 600 ea. For three R 16 700 ea., For four R 15 300 ea., For five R 14 900 ea.
50% discount for pensioners. 40% discount for parent and child and only pay for one.
Next dates: 25-29 November or 9-13 December 2019. 6-10 January, and 22-26 June 2020. Call for future dates.

8. Photography and Video for scholars

Three day workshop for scholars and students (2 week in July and December)

Photography liberates us. It helps us understand and enrich our lives through the capturing of a specific moment, filled with all the emotions, passions and expectations of life. It allows us to document and explore our world with an impartial approach allowing for individual interpretation. Digital imaging allows us to communicate instantly to millions of potential clients and has liberated businesses. Our holiday course is aimed at school children and students age 14 to 20 and the aim to give you the essentials of Video Production and Photography over a four day period with practical fun demonstrations and lectures.

Course fee: R 1250

9. Winelands Photowalk (last Saturday in October)

Join us on selected Saturdays for a day walk in Jonkershoek, Stellenbosch or the Winelands. You will shoot Landscape, Documentary, HDR., Nude and Macro photo’s.

Instructions by Charl Best. Amateur and Pro’s welcome.

Cost: R 1600

10. Point-and-Shoot camera Course

Learn to use your Point-and-Shoot camera to its best advantage. a One day crush course to the workings of your camera, manual settings, depth-of-field, composition and most important setting up a shot and visual communication. Your host is Charl Best with 25 years experience. Great shoots and models to practice on in the afternoon.

Course fee: R 1 200

11. TV. Presenting workshop

One day TV. presenting workshop at SIPS by a TV. reporter.
In this  practical workshops students will be given an introduction to the highly competitive world of TV presenting. They will learn the techniques required for relaxing in front of the camera and will be able to assess their progress as they view recordings of their presenting.

  • Introduction to TV Presenting
  • Skills and qualities required
  • Relaxing and relating to the camera
  • Make up and clothing
  • Different approaches to different programs
  • Recording and assessment of students ability to relax on camera
  • Students given a script to learn and prepare for next class
  • Recording and assessment of links for TV programs that students have prepared.
  • Co-presenting.

Course cost: R 10 000


Registration form for ALL SHORT COURSES
Name of Course: ___________________
Your Name: ___________________
Address: ____________________
Tel (work): ______________________________
Tel (cel): ____________________________________
Email: __________________________________
ID Number: _______
Previous experience and equipment: ____
Course fee paid and deposit proof attached: _____
Bank: ABSA, Stellenbosch, Account Name: Sips, Bank no. 01036721029 Br.632005
email to